The Journey to Kennedy

This is about our daughter Kennedy Grace in Vietnam and the journey to bring her home.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our grandkids

Ok I can't help myself I have to brag about my grandkids. Our grandaughter Amiya is 31/2 & our grandson Jaylon is 5. They are very excited & proud of their Aunt Kennedy who is as you know 2 1/2 . They are so funny and precious. I told both of them that they didn't have to call Kennedy aunt Kennedy. They both looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Hello gramma she is OUR aunt." So I stand corrected. They spent this past weekend with us. We went to church and my grandson was telling everyone "this is my aunt Kennedy and she is from a different world!" You gotta love it. If you ever the watch the Disney channel there is a show called "This is Daniel Cook " Jaylon looks exactly like him. Same facial expressions, they could pass for twins. They are both so much fun and we are so blessed that God chose them to be our grandchildren.


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