The Journey to Kennedy

This is about our daughter Kennedy Grace in Vietnam and the journey to bring her home.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Very Unexpected Good News!

What a day! We only had to work half a day today. Some of us were working on a mailing. In walks Katie my case worker and she said "Elaine I have some good new for you." My heart stopped. I was thinking she was going to tell me our paperwork is in Hanoi. NOPE! Been there done that! It is all back in the province and we should here about our G&R in 3 weeks!! What a wonderful very unexpected suprise! She made my day.
I think I am still in shock. Tomorrow while my family celebrates Thanksgiving I am going to add yet one more blessing to the list!
Thank you God!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Angels in our Midst

Do you believe in angels? I do. We know angels can be seen or unseen, they can come in any form. They can bring us good news from a distant land. Today I needed some good news and there in my email box were the words "KENNEDY!"
My angels Mike and Casey who I have never met are in Vietnam to bring home their daughter Olivia who is Kennedy's friend. Why are they angels? Because they have gone above and beyond to reach out to Kennedy, kissing her, holding her hugging her. They have told her she is loved and we will be there soon to bring her home. They took the time to email me knowing it would mean everything to me.
Yes, I believe in angels.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Needing & Wanting

I have this overwhelming desire to get things done before I travel. Once I started making my to do list I realized how much there is to do! ARGH! Oh well it will keep me busy, I guess that is the point.
Take a trip with me to my fantasy world... We would have a bigger house with tons more room, new furniture in our new house, a car that would quit breaking down and money so I could be a full time stay at home mom. Yep that is my fantasy. Then reality hits. The house is to small, my furniture is falling apart, the car constantly needs work and I will have to work at least part time. BUT in this house is so much love, and on this furniture I have sat with my husband and made plans for our future and sat and shared joys and sorrows with my children and in this car I have had some of my best prayers and because I work it has opened doors for me. So if I had a choice between my fantasy and reality, well I would take reality any day!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Its Getting Harder

Well the wait is getting harder. At the beginning of all this we thought Kennedy would be home by Thanksgiving or at least Christmas. I think with the holidays approaching it just makes the wait almost unbearable. I know she will be home when God is ready for her to come home...I just want her home now.
On the bright side I had a message today to call Olivia's mom (Olivia is Kennedy's buddy at the orphanage) anyway her and her husband are leaving next week for Vietnam to bring their precious Olivia home and she wanted to know if I would like to send something for Kennedy. That is so sweet. She is going to see how big Kennedy is and what size clothes and shoes she wears and get some pictures. Hopefully she will be able to give Kennedy a big hug from her mama & daddy.
And who knows maybe a miracle will happen and she will be home before the end of the year or I will at least travel.

Friday, November 03, 2006

My Blessings!

My blessings! Three handsome sons, three beautiful daughters {Jordan is holding Kennedy's picture), and a precious grandson and grandaughter.
I can be having the worse day and I look at them and they help me remember how good God is.
People ask me if there is any difference in the love I feel for my birth children and my adopted children. NOT AT ALL! I love them all the same; uncondtionally! Each one is somone special. Each one is God's perfect creation. If anyone ever doubts that there is a God just look in the eye's of a child. How ever God plans for you to create your family.. through birth, adoption or both, one or ten, remember it is all wonderful!

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.
1 Samuel 1:27

Bummer but it will be ok!

Got word from Shaohannah's Hope today that they turned down our request for a grant. Its a bummer but it will be ok!
We kind of expected it. We know God will take care of every step of this adoption in His timing, not ours.
My daughter Jordan who is 11 years old, was born in S.Korea and introduced us to the world of adoption in 1995. She sent me an email a couple of weeks ago, below is the scripture that she sent in her email. The whole email was wonderful. She reminded me that God is in control. She is wise beyond her years. We should listen to our children. God speaks through them often.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What will she think?

Some of Kennedy's friends will be leaving the orphanage this month. Their parents got the long awaited call that it was time to go and bring their children home. I am so happy for them. I love reading their emails about the "call." You can almost hear them. I wonder what Kennedy will think when she looks around and her friends are no longer there. Will she go looking for them? Can she ask someone, as well as a two year old can where they are? Will she cry?
I wish there was a way I could let her know that it won't be much longer until we get the "call" and it will be her turn.
This makes me think of all the children left behind everyday. They must think "maybe next time it will be me." I wish there was a way I could tell every child on this earth who does not have a home or a family that there is someone who loves them. He gave them life and He loves them very much.
This is the beginning of National Adoption Month. My prayer is that someday every child on this planet will have a family to love them and that their new family will tell them about God our Father, everyones Father.