The Journey to Kennedy

This is about our daughter Kennedy Grace in Vietnam and the journey to bring her home.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


This is Kennedy's "grrrr"face. Yes she scares us, amazes us and blesses us with every breath we take. She is so smart it is scary! I watch her when she is watching tv and she mimicks everything. Last night she was walking up to me with her arms apart and shoulder's hunch saying "mom, whats da big deal?" huh? That is another thing she does. She starts or ends every conversation I have with her with "mom". Ok mom, allright mom, I will mom. Oh and she has learned how to tattle and she makes a mean face when she does.
But she does also have a language all her own.
I am- I ham!
truck- we won't go there it isn't nice
Spiderman-my man
dang it.. dang it. no clue

These are just a few of her words.
She was born by the ocean and it shows. This child has no fear of water and today she just started dog paddling in the pool!
Of course it goes without saying that we love seeing her progress and feeling comfortable with us but a part of me wants to tell her " don't lose all of what you had" Every night I tell her the first words I spoke to her in Vietnam... "Ma ewns Oanh so much (loves) and she repeats it back every single time. It is hard to believe in a couple of weeks she has been home 6 months. The progress she has made is amazing. I know I will never be able to thank God enough for this child. I have great kids and I have to wonder what I ever did in my life to deserve these 6 wonderful blessings. Thank you God!