The Journey to Kennedy

This is about our daughter Kennedy Grace in Vietnam and the journey to bring her home.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Signing off and moving on

It was a year ago that I began this blog. My what a difference a year makes! Kennedy has been home 8 months on the 27th. 8 months. I was looking at her today thinking "she has been here always."That is what it feels like. God in His amazing grace once again blessed us with an awesome child. I have been blessed to give birth and to adopt. Let me tell you something your heart knows no difference. They are yours.
The purpose of this blog was to let those who have prayed for us, supported us and loved us be involved with the adoption of Kennedy. I did have another purpose for this blog. I hoped that if someone was reading Kennedy's story and had felt lead to adopt but they were afraid or the money thing was stopping they would see that stepping out in faith is a wonderful thing. If God is speaking to your heart, maybe not even about adoption, and you need to step out in faith just do it! He will be with you and not leave your side and you will be blessed beyond all understanding.
The journey TO Kennedy is over, but the journey With Kennedy has just begun.
My new blog is:
Hey you really didn't think I was going to quit blogging did you? :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Girls just want to have fun!

Camps are always fun. My girls have the priveledge of going to Guatemala Weekend, Eastern Europe Weekend, Vietnam Day, China Heritage Camp, Korea Heritage Camp and India Heritage Camp. It is kind of like going around the world without leaving Tulsa!

Of course we love Vietnam Day and Korea Heritage Camp the best! Kennedy did great at all the camps. This girl just goes with the flow.

This past week we went to a party for Thomas (our lawyer from Vietnam) at a friends house. They had a pool with a slide and there goes Kennedy with her water wings off the slide into the water! She loves jumping in the water and swimming under water. She is a fish! Thomas could not beleive it. By the way for those of you adopting from VN, Thomas said it is much hotter here.

School has started and Kennedy starts pre school in a couple of weeks. She is so excited. She has her backpack and Dora lunch bag ready!