The Journey to Kennedy

This is about our daughter Kennedy Grace in Vietnam and the journey to bring her home.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Kennedy & Kien & Gotcha Day!

This is Kennedy & Kien at a recent play date. Kennedy & Kien were in Ninh Thuan orphange. They hung around together and came home together. I am so happy our families live just a few miles from one another. Kennedy & Kien are very close. No one says "Oanh" (Kennedy's VN name) like Kien. I starts at the toes and comes out in a small roar. He tells Kennedy what to do and she mothers him. Today is the two month anniversary that Kennedy was placed in my arms. Gotcha Day! We celebrate it as "Gotcha Day." Somewhere someone criteqed this term to death until they could find something wrong with it. THEY decided it could harm or insult the children and damage their self esteem. They also compared it to swatting a mesquito. Ok..... I told my 12 year old daughter that and she rolled her eyes and said "Why do people do that? I think of it like I am falling safely into your arms and you or daddy saying Gotcha!" Then she asked that we not change it. Cameron agreed. I promise we are not changing it.
No matter what you call it, Gotcha Day, Anniversary Day, Forever Family Day, it is a great day to celebrate!


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